When applied from the exterior, Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy has a lasting effect on the cell matrix as well as on the extracellular matrix. With its resonator constructed for that specific purpose, the instrument brings about mechanical and magnetic vibrations according to the body’s own characteristic micro-vibrations.
Asymmetrical pressure on the tissue thereby leads to a simultaneous stimulation of the pump-suction-effect and a physiological stimulation of the neuron receptors. The body’s self-oscillation and that of the nervous system is each stimulated and restored. Thus, manifold essential metabolic processes occurring between the cell and the extracellular matrix can proceed. Within a short time period, the metabolism in the affected region is restored back to normal.
In other words, employing rhythmic micro-extension, Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy affects cytological levels, thus causing a time rearrangement of cellular micro processes. This forms the basis for cyto-regeneration and healing in general.
The result is that the affected tissue (muscles, skin, tendons, etc.) becomes permeable and flexible and can again take part in the body’s recovery.