3H weekend in Sweden


In Courses / Past activities Posted



I feel so happy to that Maria has invited to spend this weekend with my dear patients. I will teach you my new discoviries and how I have been working in the last few years realted to pain , stress and body intelligence.


Transformation and inspiration through self –care and  coaching in group dynamics.


Come and spend a weekend where you will learn from self care transformational exercises , mindfulwalking , movement and much more.


We will be together and that will give us a chance to chat , eat , enjoy and share.

Escape the stresses and strains of everyday life and immerse yourself in tranquillity, relaxation and a chance to rediscover yourself.


Get connected with old and new friends.


We will work on different body aeas , feet , hands , spine, neck, joint mobilization, core strenght, expression and dancing.

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Hola 👋
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